The actual number of deaths from the novel coronavirus in the Netherlands is higher than the reported numbers that RIVM publishes daily. RIVM and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) monitor the mortality rates in the Netherlands. Not all people who die in the Netherlands have been tested for COVID-19. The total number of deaths per week as reported to Statistics Netherlands - regardless of the cause of death - provides an overview of the situation in the Netherlands.
Since a few weeks, excess mortality is seen in the Netherlands. The rising higher mortality coincides with the start of the coronavirus epidemic in the Netherlands. A significant part of the excess mortality is expected to be related to COVID-19. Which part that is will become clear later on in the cause of death registration. In the third week of April, data from CBS and RIVM show that excess mortality is decreasing.
In the week from Thursday 9 April to Wednesday 15 April 2020 inclusive, total mortality in the Netherlands significantly increased (mortality reported within two weeks - around 97%). A total of 4,500 deaths were reported; this count is usually between 2,654 and 2,959 deaths. This is between 1,541 and 1,846 more deaths than the expected average this time of year. This count is about twice as high as the reported deaths from laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients in the same week (876). Mortality was slightly increased in the 55-64 age group and sharply increased in the 65-74 age group and 75 years and older.
Nursing- and care homes
Excess mortality in nursing- and care homes decreased in week 16 (13 April to 19 April inclusive) for the first time in several weeks.
Differences between men and women become smaller
In recent weeks, mortality among men has been higher than among women. From week 14 onwards, however, the differences became smaller.