COVID-19, also known as Covid or corona, is the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It is still present in the Netherlands. Information about the virus, the COVID-19 vaccinations and the latest figures is available on these pages. 


Coronavirus in kleur

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Read more about the virus, the disease, and its symptoms.

COVID-19 vaccination

If you have a higher risk of serious illness due to COVID-19, you can get vaccinated. Read about COVID-19 vaccination and who is eligible.


Oudere man krijgt vaccinatieprik

Detailed information about implementation of the COVID-19 vaccinations is available for professionals. (More details in Dutch.)

Facts and figures

RIVM will continue monitoring the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Read more about the current COVID-19 figures.


An overview of all the ongoing and concluded research at RIVM related to COVID-19 and the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.


Information on why vaccination data is registered and how your privacy is ensured.

News about COVID-19 and vaccination

Air pollution increases risk of infection and severity of illness from COVID-19

People who live in areas with poor air quality are more likely to become infected with SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, the symptoms of COVID-19 are more severe, leading to more hospitalisations and deaths. This is the outcome of a study conducted by RIVM, Utrecht University, Wageningen University & Research and the Netherlands Municipal Public Health Services and Medical Assistance in Accidents and Disasters.
03-04-2024 | 14:00
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Other coronaviruses

Coronaviruses mostly affect the respiratory system (nose, mouth and airways).
Besides SARS-CoV-2, other examples of coronaviruses are Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV1).