Transcriptomic analysis reveals interactive effects of polyvinyl chloride microplastics and cadmium on Mytilus galloprovincialis: Insights into non-coding RNA responses and environmental implicationsD Yu, S Liu, Y Yu, Y Wang, L Li, WJGM Peijnenburg, et al.27-9-2024Tijdschriftartikel
The role of respiratory syncytial virus G protein in immune cell infection and pathogenesisJ Anderson, LAH Do, PB van Kasteren, PV Licciardi27-9-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Socioeconomic Inequalities in the External Exposome in European Cohorts: The EXPANSE ProjectA Saucy, F Coloma, S Olmos, C Åström, N Blay, JMA Boer, et al.24-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Spatial and temporal variation of five different pathogens and symbionts in Ixodes ricinus nymphs in the NetherlandsH Hartemink, G Gort, AI Krawczyk, M Fonville, W Takken, H Sprong24-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Pregnancy outcomes of forced migrants in the Netherlands: A national registry-based studyJB Tankink, LCM Bertens, JP de Graaf, METC van den Muijsenbergh, JN Struijs, B Goodarzi, A Franx24-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel
A closer look at the role of biofilms in water filtration: Bridging microscopic insights with system performanceM Samari-Kermani, ET de Vries, JF Schijven, A Raoof18-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Impact of reduced sampling frequency of illicit drug wastewater monitoring in the NetherlandsRPJ Hoondert, E Emke, E Nagelkerke, E Roex, TL ter Laak18-9-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Understanding frailty and its opposites from community-dwelling older peoples’ perspectives: A phenomenological qualitative studyRDJ Golbach, N Kleinenberg-Talsma, F van der Lucht, JSM Hobbelen, H jager-Wittenaar, EJ Finnema18-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Reproductive tract complication risks following Chlamydia trachomatis infections: a long-term prospective cohort study from 2008 to 2022ZW Alexiou, BM Hoenderboom, CJPA Hoebe, NHTM Dukers-Muijrers, HM Götz, BHB van Benthem, et al.18-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel
The DECISION project: DiscrEte Choice experIment Spinal manipulative therapy for lOw back paiN: A study protocolLP De la Ruelle, A de Zoete, R Ostelo, GA de Wit, MH Donker, SM Rubinstein18-09-2024Tijdschriftartikel