Food consumption and handling survey for quantitative microbiological consumer phase risk assessmentsJ Chardon, A Swart04/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Hepatitis E virus: Assessment of the epidemiological situation in humans in Europe, 2014/15C Adlhoch, A Avellon, SA Baylis, AR Ciccaglione, E Couturier, R de Sousa, W van Pelt, et al.18/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Identification of a virulence determinant that is conserved in the Jawetz and Heyl biotypes of [Pasteurella] pneumotropicaH Sasaki, H Ishikawa, H Terayama, R Asano, E Kawamoto, H Ishibashi, R Boot18/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Influenzavirus A(H1N1)2009 antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in young children prior to the H1N1 pandemicM Mesman, BM Westerhuis, HI ten Hulscher, RH Jacobi, E de Bruin, J van Beek, AM Buisman, MP Koopmans, RS van Binnendijk18/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
International pooled study on diet and bladder cancer: the bladder cancer, epidemiology and nutritional determinants (BLEND) study: design and baseline characteristicsME Goossens, F Isa, M Brinkman, D Mak, R Reulen, A Wesselius, S Benhamou, C Rosetti, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.11/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Lessons learnt on biases and uncertainties in personal exposure measurement surveys of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields with exposimetersJFB Bolte04/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Lidar measurements of industrial benzene emissionsAJC Berkhout, GR van der Hoff, LFL Gast11/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Long-term inactivation of bacteriophage PRD1 as a function of temperature, pH, sodium and calcium concentrationJF Schijven, G Sadeghi, SM Hassanizadeh25/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Mumps-specific cross-neutralization by MMR vaccine-induced antibodies predicts protection against mumps virus infectionS Gouma, HI ten Hulscher, TM Schurink-van 't Klooster, HE de Melker, GJ Boland, P Kaaijk, CACM van Els, MPG Koopmans, RS van Binnendijk11/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel
National studies as a component of the World Health Organization initiative to estimate the global and regional burden of foodborne diseaseRJ Lake, B Devleesschauwer, G Nasinyama, AH Havelaar, T Kuchenmuller, JA Haagsma, HH Jensen, N Jessani, et al.04/07/2016Tijdschriftartikel