First step in using molecular data for microbial food safety risk assessment; hazard identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by coupling genomic data with in vitro adherence to human epithelial cellsA Pielaat, MP Boer, LM Wijnands, AHAM van Hoek, E Bouw, GC Barker, PFM Teunis, HJM Aarts, E Franz28/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Exploring the use of influenza virus sequence diversity for the identification and characterization of transmission eventsM Jonges09/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
EuroFIR quality approach for managing food composition data; where are we in 2014?S Westenbrink, M Roe, M Oseredczuk, I Castanheira, P Finglas12/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Energy and macronutrient intake and risk of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition studyR Zamora-Ros, S Rinaldi, KK Tsilidis, E Weiderpass, HB Bueno de Mesquita28/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Disease burden of invasive meningococcal disease in the Netherlands between june 1999 and june 2011: a subjective role for serogroup and clonal complexSP Stoof, GD rivm Rodenburg, MJ Knol, LW Rumke, S Bovenkerk, GAM Berbers, L Spanjaard, A van der Ende, EAM Sanders19/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Disability weights for the Global Burden of Disease 2013 studyJA Salomon, JA Haagsma, A Davis, C Maertens de Noordhout, S Polinder, AH Havelaar, A Cassini, B Devleesschauwer, M Kretzschmar, N Speybroeck, CJL Murray, T Vos28/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Different dynamics for IgG and IgA memory B cells in adolescents following a meningococcal serogroup C tetanus toxoid conjugate booster vaccination nine years after priming: a role for priming age?SP Stoof, AM Buisman, DM van Rooijen, R Boonacker, FRM van der Klis, EAM Sanders, GAM Berbers19/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Development and characterization of broadly cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies against all known ebolavirus speciesH Hernandez, C Marceau, H Halliday, J Callison, V Borisevich, O Escraffre, J Creech, H Feldmann, B Rockx19/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Cyclosporin A induced toxicity in mouse liver slices is only slightly aggravated by Fxr-deficiency and co-occurs with upregulation of pro-inflammatory genes and downregulation of genes involved in mitochondrial functionsE Szalowska, TE Pronk, AACM Peijnenburg28/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Copulation activity, sperm production and conidia transfer in Aedes aegypti males contaminated by Metarhizium anisopliae: a biological control prospectJA Garza-Hernandez, F Reyes-Villanueva, TL Russell, MAH Braks, AM Garcia-Munquia, MA Rodriguez-Perez19/10/2015Tijdschriftartikel