Year-to-year variation in attack rates could result in underpowered respiratory syncytial virus vaccine efficacy trialsBM Billard, J Wildenbeest, JL Bont, H Nair, A Meijer, et al.19-10-202Tijdschriftartikel
Occurrence of waterborne pathogens and antibiotic resistance in water supply systems in a small town in MozambiqueE Taviani, H van den Berg, F Nhassengo, E Nguluve, J Paulo, et al.19-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
EpiLPS: A fast and flexible Bayesian tool for estimation of the time-varying reproduction numberO Gressani, J Wallinga, CL Althaus, N Hens, C Faes19-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
COVID-19 outbreak in an elderly care home: Very low vaccine effectiveness and late impact of booster vaccination campaignE Traini, A Huss, L Portengen, M Rookus, WMM Verschuren, et al.19-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
Ecotoxicity characterization of chemicals: Global recommendations and implementation in USEtoxM Owsianiak, MZ Hauschild, L Posthuma, E Saouter, MG Vijver, et al.19-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
The 27th EURL-Salmonella workshop 23 and 24 May 2022, OnlineKA MooijmanIn mei 2022 organiseerde het Europese Referentie Laboratorium (EURL) voor Salmonella voor het 27e jaar de workshop voor de Europese Nationale Referentie Laboratoria (NRL’s). Het doel van de…18-10-2022Rapport
Associations between Mixture of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Lipid Profile in a Highly Exposed Adult Community in the Veneto RegionE Batzella, MZ Jeddi, G Pitter, F Russo, T Fletcher, C Canova18-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
Occupational exposure to Cr(VI) in Finland in 1980-2016 and related lung cancer risk assessmentS Mahiout, M Kiilunen, T Vermeire, S Viegas, M Woutersen, et al.18-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
The circulation of Anaplasma phagocytophilum ecotypes is associated with community composition of vertebrate hostsND Fabri, H Sprong, H Heesterbeek, F Ecke, JPGM Cromsigt, et al.18-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel
Lifestyle patterns and incident type 2 diabetes in the Dutch lifelines cohort studyM-J Duan, LH Dekker, J-J Carrero, G Navis18-10-2022Tijdschriftartikel