An evidence synthesis approach to estimating the incidence of seasonal influenza in the NetherlandsSA McDonald, AM Presanis, D de Angelis, W van der Hoek, M Hooiveld, G Donker, ME Kretzschmar14/01/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Age related differences in dynamics of specific memory B cell populations after clinical pertussis infectionI van Twillert, JAM van Gaans-van den Brink, MCM Poelen, K Helm, B Kuipers, M Schipper, CJP Boog, TJM Verheij, FGA Versteegh, CACM van Els28/01/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A structural equation modelling approach to explore the role of B vitamins and immune markers in lung cancer riskV Troncoso Baltar, WW Xun, M Johansson, P Ferrari, S-C C'huang, C Relton, PM Ueland, O Midttun, HB Bueno de Mesquita, H Boshuizen, et al.24/01/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A multiplex bead-based suspension array assay for interrogation of phylogenetically informative single nucleotide polymorphisms for Bacillus anthracisS Thierry, RA Hamidjaja, G Girault, C Löfström, R Ruuls, D Sylviane28/01/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A framework to start the debate on neonatal screening policies in the EU: an Expert Opinion DocumentMC Cornel, T Rigter, SS Weinreich, P Burgard, GF Hoffmann, M Lindner, JG Loeber, K Rupp, D Taruscio, L Vittozzi06/01/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Zebrafish embryotoxicity test for developmental (neuro)toxicity: Demo case of an integrated screening approach system using anti-epileptic drugsA Beker van Woudenberg, C Snel, E Rijkmans, D de Groot, M Bouma, S Hermsen, A Piersma, A Menke, A Wolterbeek08/10/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Willingness to pay to avoid health risks from road-traffic-related air pollution and noise across five countriesT Istamto, D Houthuijs, E Lebret01/10/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Travel-related MERS-CoV cases: an assessment of exposures and risk factors in a group of Dutch travellers returning from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 2014EB Fanoy, MAB van der Sande, M Kraaij-Dirkzwager, K Dirksen, M Jonges, W van der Hoek, MPG Koopmans, D van der Werf, G Wadell, C van der Weijden, J van der Heuvel, JW Bouwhuis, AB van Gageldonk-Lafeber21/10/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Today's adult generations are less healthy than their predecessors: Generation shifts in metabolic risk factors: The Doetinchem Cohort StudyG Hulsegge, HSJ Picavet, A Blokstra, ACJ Nooyens, AMW Spijkerman, YT van der Schouw, HA Smit, WMM Verschuren01/10/2014Tijdschriftartikel
The Yin: An adverse health perspective of nanoceria: uptake, distribution, accumulation, and mechanisms of its toxicityRA Yokel, S Hussain, S Garantziotis, P Demokritou, V Castranova, FR Cassee03/10/2014Tijdschriftartikel