Ethnic differences in systemic inflammation: an investigation of C-reactive protein levels among Moroccan, Turkish and Dutch groups in the NetherlandsJK Ujcic-Voortman, CA Baan, AP Verhoeff, A Krol, JC Seidell18/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
Early-life determinants of total and HDL cholesterol concentrations in 8-year-old children; the PIAMA birth cohort studyMBM Bekkers, B Brunekreef, HA Smit, M Kerkhof, GH Koppelman, M Oldenwening, AH Wijga18/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
A practical framework for the construction of a biotracing model: application to Samonella in the pork slaughter chainJH Smid, AN Swart, AH Havelaar, A Pielaat18/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
Dietary glycemic load and glycemic index and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in Dutch men and women: The EPIC-MORGEN StudyKNJ Burger, JWJ Beulens, JMA Boer, AMW Spijkerman, DL van der A18/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
Estimation of the likelihood of fecal-oral HEV transmission among pigsM Bouwknegt, PFM Teunis, K Frankena, MCM de Jong, AM de Roda-Husman18/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
The RCP greenhouse gas concentrations and their extensions from 1765 to 2300M Meinshausen, SJ Smith, K Calvin, JS Daniel, MLT Kainuma, JF Lamarque, K Matsumoto, SA Montzka, SCB Raper, K Riahi, A Thomson, GJM Velders, DP van Vuuren18/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
Anthropogenic nitrogen emissions during the Holocene and their possible effects on remote ecosystemsJ Kopacek, M Posch19/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
Two instruments based on differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) to measure accurate ammonia concentrations in the atmosphereH Volten, JB Bergwerff, M Haaima, DE Lolkema, AJC Berkhout, GR van der Hoff, CJM Potma, RJ Wichink Kruit, WAJ van Pul, DPJ Swart18-10-2011Tijdschriftartikel