Transformation products in the life cycle impact assessment of chemicalsR van Zelm, MAJ Huijbregts, D van de Meent08/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Spatial- and time-explicit human damage modeling of ozone depleting substances in life cycle impact assessmentJ Struijs, A van Dijk, H Slaper, HJ van Wijnen, GJM Velders, G Chaplin, MAJ Huijbregts08/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Concentration response functions for ultrafine particles and all-cause mortality and hospital admissions: results of a European expert panel elicitationG Hoek, H Boogaard, A Knol, J de Hartog, P Slottje, JG Ayres, P Borm, B Brunekreef, K Donaldson, F Forastiere, S Holgate, WG Kreyling, B Nemery, V Stone, HE Wichmann, J Pekkanen, J van de Sluijs02/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
DNA adduct kinetics in reproductive tissues of DNA repair proficient and deficient male mice after oral exposure to benzo(a)pyreneN Verhofstad, CHM van Oostrom, J van Benthem, FJ van Schooten, H van Steeg, RWL Godschalk08/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Measles outbreak, the Netherlands, 2008 [Letter to the editor]S Hahne, MJ te Wierik, L Mollema, E van Velzen, E de Coster, C Swaan, H de Melker, R van Binnendijk12/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Otomastoiditis caused by Mycobacterium abscessus, The NetherlandsJ van Ingen, F Looijmans, R Dekhuijzen, M Boeree, D van Soolingen02/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Placental malaria is associated with reduced early life weight development of affected children independent of low birth weightB Walther, DJC Miles, S Crozier, P Waight, MS Palmero, O Ojuola, E Touray, M van, H Whittle, S Rowland-Jones, KL Flanagan27/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Irreversible encephalopathy after treatment with high-dose intravenous metronidazoleMVR Groothoff, J Hofmeijer, MA Sikma, J Meulenbelt02/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Inaccuracy of routine susceptibility tests for detection of erythromycin resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coliMT van der Beek, ECJ Claas, DJ Mevius, W van Pelt, JA Wagenaar, EJ Kuijper02/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Doxycycline hyclateE Jantratid, S Strauch, C Becker, JB Dressman, GL Amidon, HE Junginger, S Kopp, KK Midha, VP Shah, S Stavchansky, DM Barends27/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel