An European inter-laboratory validation of alternative endpoints of the murine local lymph node assay: First roundG Ehling, M Hecht, A Heusener, J Huesler, AO Gamer, H van Loveren, T Maurer, K Riecke, L Ullman, P Ulrich, R Vandebriel, HW Vohr08/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
An European inter-laboratory validation of alternative endpoints of the murine local lymph node assay: 2nd roundG Ehling, M Hecht, A Heusener, J Huesler, AO Gamer, H van Loveren, T Maurer, K Riecke, L Ullman, P Ulrich, R Vandebriel, HW Vohr08/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A widening gap in general practice? Socio-economic differences in morbidity between 1975 and 2000 in the NetherlandsGD Mol, EH van de Lisdonk, JPJM Smits, JPM van den Hoogen, JHJ Bor, GP Westert08/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A longitudinal study of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle of a Dutch dairy farm and in the farm environmentJM Schouten, EAM Graat, K Frankena, AW van de Giessen, WK van der Zwaluw, MCM de Jong02/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A dynamic population model of disease progression in COPDM Hoogendoorn, MPMH Rutten-van Moelken, RT Hoogenveen, MLL van Genugten, AS Buist, EFM Wouters, TL Feenstra26/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A case-control study of acute respiratory tract infection in general practice patients in the NetherlandsAB Gageldonk-Lafeber, MLA Heijnen, AIM Bartelds, MF Peters, SM van der Plas, B Wilbrink26/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Incidence of transmission of pathogens in intensive care units Results of the SIR 3 studyS Barwolff, H Grundmann, F Schwab, A Tami, M Behnke, C Geffers, E Halle, UB Gobel, R Schiller, D Jonas, I Klare, K Weist, W Witte, E Dinger, K Beilecke, H Ruden, P Gastmeier26/08/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Ecology: the convention on biological diversity's 2010 targetA Balmford, L Bennun, B ten Brink, D Cooper, IM Cote, P Crane, et al., C Kremen, AS van Jaarsveld, BA Walther15/04/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Working status among Dutch patients with rheumatoid arthritis: work disability and working conditionsSM Verstappen, A Boonen, JW Bijlsma, E Buskens, H Verkleij, Y Schenk, GA van Albada-Kuipers, DM Hofman, JW Jacobson15/04/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Trends in socioeconomic disparities in stroke mortality in six european countries between 1981-1985 and 1991-1995M Avendano, AE Kunst, F van Lenthe, V Bos, G Costa, T Valkonen, M Cardano, S Harding, JK Borgan, M Glickman, A Reid, JP Mackenbach15/04/2005Tijdschriftartikel