Disease burden in the Netherlands due to infections with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia colo O157AH Havelaar, YTHP Duynhoven, MJ Nauta, M Bouwknegt, AE Heuvelink, GA de Wit, MGM Nieuwenhuizen, NCAJ van de Kar20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs: occurrence and dietary intake in the NeterlandsAJ Baars, MI Bakker, RA Baumann, PE Boon, J Freijer, LAP Hoogenboom, R Hoogerbrugge, JD van Klaveren, AKD Liem, WA Traag, J de Vries20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Diagnosis of atypical pathogens in patients hospitalized with community-acquired respiratory infectionPM Schneeberger, JW Dorigo-Zetsma, A van der Zee, M van Bon, JL van Opstal20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Data assimilation of ground-level ozone in Europe with a Kalman filter and chemistry transport modelRG Hanea, GJM Velders, A Heemink20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Costs of gastroenteritis in the NetherlandWE van den Brandhof, GA de Wit, MAS de Wit, YTHP van Duynhoven20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of two methodologies to analyze exposure to statins in an observational study on effectivenessAH Maitland-van der Zee, OH Klungel, BHC Stricker, WMM Verschuren, JCM Witteman, T Stijnen, A Hofman, MMB Breteler, HGM Leufkens, A de Boer20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Chlamydophila abortus infection in a pregnant woman associated with indirect contact with infected goatsA Meijer, A Brandenburg, J de Vries, J Beentjes, P Roholl, D Dercksen20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Anticipated costs of hospitalization for respiratory syncytial virus infection in young childeren at riskE Rietveld, HCC de Jonge, JJ Polder, Y Vergouwe, HJ Veeze, HA Moll, EW Steyerberg20/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Antibody levels after regular childhood vaccinations in the immunological screening of children with recurrent otitis mediaSP Wiertsema, EM Sanders, RH Veenhoven, N van Heerbeek, S van den Hof, GAM Berbers, GT Rijkers21/07/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Tuberculosis contact investigation and DNA fingerprint surveillance in The Netherlands: 6 years' experience with nation-wide cluster feedback and cluster monitoringCSB Lambregts-van Weezenbeek, MMGG Sebek, PJHJ van Gerven, G de Vries, S Verver, NA Kalisvaart, D van Soolingen06/01/2004Tijdschriftartikel