Cloud induced reduction of solar UV-radiation: a comparison of ground-based and satellite based approachesJE Williams, PN den Outer, H Slaper, J Matthijsen, G Kelfkens30/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Calicivirus inactivation by nonionizing (253.7-nanometer-wavelength [UV]) and ionizing (gamma) radiationAM de Roda Husman, P Bijkerk, W Lodder, H van den Berg, W Pribil, A Cabaj, P Gehringer, R Sommer, E Duizer25/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Another reason for concern: regional and global impacts on ecosystems for different levels of climate changeR Leemans, B Eickhout18/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Analytical products study of germanium-containing medicine by different ICP-MS applicationsP Krystek, R Ritsema30/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
An investigation into the predictive value of cascade impactor results for side effects of inhaled salbutamolM Weda, P Zanen, AH de Boer, DM Barends, HW Frijlink22/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
An integrated evaluation of endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase polymorphisms and coronary artery disease in menWR Agema, MP de Maat, AH Zwinderman, JJ Kastelein, TJ Rabelink, AJ van Boven, EJ Feskens, JM Boer, EE van der Wall, JW Jukema18/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
A practical synthesis of gramicidin S and sugar amino acid containing analoguesGM Grotenbreg, M Kronemeijer, MS Timmer, F El Oualid, RM van Well, M Verdoes, E Spalburg, PA van Hooft, AJ de Neeling, D Noort, JH van Boom, GA van der Marel, HS Overkleeft, M Overhand22/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
A decision chart for assessing and improving the transferability of economic evaluation results between countriesR Welte, T Feenstra, H Jager, R Leidl18/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Primary HIV infection as source of HIV transmission within steady and casual partnerships among homosexual menM Xiridou, R Geskus, J de Wit, R Coutinho, M Kretzschmar30/09/2004Tijdschriftartikel