Immunogenicity and efficacy of recombinant subunit vaccines against phocid herpesvirus type 1BEE Martina, MWG van de Bildt, T Kuiken, G van Amerongen, ADME Osterhaus30/06/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Spread of an MRSA clone with heteroresistance to oxacillin in the NetherlandsW Wannet30/06/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Consistency testing of diphtheria and tetanus to replace potency testing for lot releaseJG Kreeftenberg30/06/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Toxicity and immunogenicity of pertussis whole cell vaccine in one animal modelI van Straaten, L Levels, A van der Ark, M Thalen, C Hendriksen30/06/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Derivation of cation exchange constants for sand, loess, clay and peat soils on the basis of field measurements in the NetherlandsW de Vries, M Posch02/06/2003Tijdschriftartikel
ECVAM's activities on biologicalsM Halder, M Balls, C Hendriksen, K Cussler17/03/2003Tijdschriftartikel
ECVAM's role in the implementation of the three Rs concept in the field of biologicalsC Hendriksen, K Cussler, M Halder17/03/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Future activities: ECVAM and the quality control of biologicalsK Cussler, M Halder, C Hendriksen17/03/2003Tijdschriftartikel