Smoking and the risk of gastric cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC)CA Gonzalez, G Pera, A Agudo, D Palli, V Krogh, P Vineis, G Nagel, HB Bueno de Mesquita, HC Boshuizen, P Peeters, R Kaaks, E Riboli, et al.18/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Review of current approaches and future directions in national ambient waterquality criteria for aquatic life protection: Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, USARA Kent, T Crommentuijn, CW Hickey, FJ Keating24/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Real-time PCR assay targets the 23S-5S spacer for direct detection and differentiation of legionella spp. and legionella pneumophilaBL Herpers, BM de Jongh, K van der Zwaluw, EJ van Hannen18/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Problem formulationla TW, SE Belanger, T Crommentuijn, J Goodrich-Mahoney, RA Kent, DI Mount, DJ Spry, T Vigerstad, DM di Toro, FJ Keating, MC Reiley24/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Preparation of polysaccharide-conjugate vaccinesCCAM Peeters, PR Lagerman, O de Weers, LA Oomen, P Hoogerhout, M Beurret, JT Poolman24/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Optimization of route of administration for coexposure to ovalbumin and particle matter to induce adjuvant activity in respiratory allergy in the mousePA Steerenberg, WJ van Dalen, CET Withagen, JAMA Dormans18/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Nationwide assessments of non-point source pollution with field-scale developed models: the pesticide caseA Tiktak, J Boesten, T van der Linden04/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Methodological approach for evaluating first tier PEC groundwater scenarios supporting the prediction of environmental concentrations of pesticides at the European scaleJD Pineros Garcet, M Vanclooster, A Tiktak, DS de Nie, A Jones04/11/2003Tijdschriftartikel