Short and long term variability of the interrupter technique under field and standardised conditions in 3-6 year old childrenRMJ Beelen, HA Smit, RT van Strien, LP Koopman, JE Brussee, B Brunekreef, J Gerritsen, PJFM Merkus28/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
SF6 from electrical equipment and other usesJ Olivier, W Winiwarter, JP Chang16/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Selective digestive decontamination and antibiotic resistance: a balancing actMJM Bonten, H Grundmann28/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
RIVM/MNP guidance for uncertainty assessment and communication. Mini-checklist & quickscan questionnaireAC Petersen, PHM Janssen, JP van der Sluijs, JS Risbey, JR Ravetz21/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Proton-metal exchange processes in synthetic and natural polyelectrolyte solution systemsJC Benegas, RD Porasso, MAGT van den Hoop21/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Present state and future prospects for groundwater ecosystemsDL Danielopol, C Griebler, A Gunatilaka, J Notenboom21/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Options for international climate policies: towards an effective regimeEC van Ierland, J Gupta, MTJ Kok28/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Migration of N-nitrosamines, N-nitrosatable substances and 2-mercarptobenzthiazol from baby bottle teats and soothers: a Dutch retail surveyK Bouma, FM Nab, RC Schothorst16/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Limitations of current risk characterization methods in probabilistic environmental risk assessmentFAM Verdonck, T Aldenberg, J Jaworska, PA Vanrolleghem16/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Issues in international climate policy: theory and policyEC van Ierland, J Gupta, MTJ Kok28/10/2003Tijdschriftartikel