The environmental pollutant hexachlorobenzene causes eosinophilic and granulomatous inflammation and in vitro airways hyperreactivity in the Brown Norway ratC Michielsen, S Zeamari, A Leusink-Muis, J Vos, N Bloksma25/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Responsibility for past and future global warming: uncertainties in attributing anthropogenic climate changeM den Elzen, M Schaeffer11/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Priming of measles virus-specific humoral- and cellular-immune responses in macaques by DNA vaccinationKJ Stittelaar, RL de Swart, HW Vos, G van Amerongen, N Sixt, TF Wild, ADME Osterhaus25/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Matrix effects in the determination of low anion concentrations using suppressed ICJ Neele, RFMJ Cleven, HJ van de Wiel11/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Exploring sources of heterogeneity in systematic reviews of diagnostic testsJG Lijmer, PMM Bossuyt, SH Heisterkamp25/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Development and validation of capillary electrophoresis for the determination of selected metal ions in airborne particulate matter after sequential extractionE Dabek-Zlotorzynska, R Aranda-Rodriguez, SEJ Buykx25/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of two screening level risk assessment approaches for six disinfectants and pharmaceuticalsAP van Wezel, T Jager11/07/2002Tijdschriftartikel