Utility of rat liver slices to estimate hepatic clearance for application in physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling: a study with tolbutamide, a compound with low extraction efficiencyB Haenen, C Rompelberg, K van Twillert, M Hamzink, J Dormans, J van Eijkeren25/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
The in vivo rodent test systems for assessment of carcinogenic potentialJW van der Laan, P Spindler25/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
The association between noise exposure and blood pressure and ischemic heart disease: a meta-analysisEEMM van Kempen, H Kruize, HC Boshuizen, CB Ameling, BAM Staatsen, AEM de Hollander25/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Protecting the vaccinating population in the face of a measles epidemic: assessing the impact of adjusted vaccination schedulesS van den Hof, J Wallinga, MA Widdowson, MAE Conyn-van Spaendonck25/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Prevention of coronary heart disease by diet and lifestyle: evidence from prospective cross-cultural, cohort, and intervention studiesD Kromhout, A Menotti, H Kesteloot, S Sans25-03-2002Tijdschriftartikel
Mycobacterium microti infection (vole tuberculosis) in wild rodent populationsR Cavanagh, M Begon, M Bennett, T Ergon, IM Graham, PEW de Haas, CA Hart, M Koedam, K Kremer, X Lambin, P Roholl, D van Soolingen23/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Major improvements in cost effectiveness of screening women for Chlamydia trachomatis using pooled urine specimens and high performance testingSA Morre, R Welte, MJ Postma25/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Effects of zinc contamination on a natural nematode community in outdoor soil mesocosmsCE Smit, AJ Schouten, PJ van den Brink, MLP van Esbroek, L Posthuma11/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Effect of lack of Interleukin-4, Interleukin-12, Interleukin-18, or the Interferon-gamma receptor on virus replication, cytokine response, and lung pathology during respiratory syncytial virus infection in miceA Boelen, J Kwakkel, M Barends, L de Rond, J Dormans, T Kimman25/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Effect of an increased intake of alpha-linolenic acid and group nutritional education on cardiovascular risk factors: the Mediterranean Alpha-linolenic Enriched Groningen Dietary Intervention (MARGARIN) studyWJE Bemelmans, J Broer, EJM Feskens, AJ Smit, FAJ Muskiet, JD Lefrandt, VJJ Bom, JF May, B Meyboom-de jong11/03/2002Tijdschriftartikel