Effects of inhaled ozone on pulmonary immune cells critical to antibacterial responses in situMD Cohen, M Sisco, K Baker, Y Li, D Lawrence, H van Loveren, JT Zelikoff, RB Schlesinger15/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Effects of diesel exhaust enriched concentrated PM2.5 in ozone preexposed or monocrotaline-treated ratsFR Cassee, AJF Boere, J Bos, PHB Fokkens, JAMA Dormans, H van Loveren15/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Effects of contact time on the sequestration and bioavailability of different classes of hydrophobic organic chemicals to benthic oligochaetes (Tubificidae)RH Kraaij, J Tolls, D Sijm, G Cornelissen, A Heikens, A Belfroid15/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Echinococcus multilocularis: De kleine lintworm van de vos met mogelijk grote gevolgen voor de mensJWB van der Giessen, FHM Borgsteede10/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Distribution of environmentally regulated genes of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 among S. suis serotypes and other organismsA de Greeff, H Buys, R Verhaar, L van Alphen, HE Smith23/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Disease prevalence estimations based on contact registrations in general practiceR Hoogenveen, G Westert, M Dijkgraaf, F Schellevis, D Bakker17/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Differences between reference laboratories of the European community in their ability to detect Salmonella speciesN Voogt, NJD Nagelkerke, AW van de Giessen, AM Henken17/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Dietary monoglutamate and polyglutamate folate are associated with plasma folate concentrations in Dutch men and women aged 20-65 yearsA Melse-Boonstra, A de Bree, P Verhoef, AL Bjorke-Monsen, WMM Verschuren18/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Diet and 20-year chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality in middle-aged men from three European countriesIC Walda, C Tabak, HA Smit, L Rasanen, F Fidanza, A Menotti, A Nissinen, EJM Feskens, D Kromhout18/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Determination of uranium in urine - measurement of isotope ratios and quantification by use of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryP Krystek, R Ritsema15/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel