The last outbreak of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in the Czech Republic in 1995 was caused by Mycobacterium bovis subspecies capraeI Pavlik, F Bures, P Janovsky, P Pecinka, M Bartos, L Dvorska, L Matlova, K Kremer, D van Soolingen02/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
A consistent two-mutation model of bone cancer for two data sets of radium-injected beaglesH Bijwaard, MJP Brugmans, HP Leenhouts02/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Subsidy refrom deals to jump-start global sustainability: a recipe for successA de Moor16/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Guidelines: the current positionA Havelaar, UJ Blumenthal, M Strauss, D Kay, J Bartram16/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
The global burden of disease study and applications in water, sanitation and hygieneA Pruss, A Havelaar16/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Author's reply to: The beneficial effect of alpha-linolenic acid in coronary artery disease is not questionable [Letter to the editor by Renaud SC, Lanzmann-Petithory D]EJM Feskens, C Oomen, M Ocke, D Kromhout20/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Assessment of four methods to estimate surface UV radiation using satellite date, by comparison with ground measurements from four stations in EuropeA Arola, S Kalliskota, PN den Outer, K Edvardsen, G Hansen, T Koskela, TJ Martin, J Matthijsen, R Meerkoetter, P Peeters, G Seckmeyer, PC Simon, H Slaper, P Taalas, J Verdebout30/01/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Refinement, reduction, and replacement of animal use for regulatory testing: current best scientific practices for the evaluation of safety and potency of biologicalsCFM Hendriksen10/02/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Influence of soil remediation techniques on the bioavailability of heavy metalsCAM van Gestel, L Henzen, EM Dirven-van Breemen, JW Kamerman10/02/2003Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of atmospheric dispersion modelling according to old and new regulations in the NetherlandsH Bijwaard, H Eleveld10/02/2003Tijdschriftartikel