Methodological approaches to the analysis of hierarchical studies of air pollution and respiratory health. Examples from the CESAR studyS Pattenden, BG Armstrong, D Houthuijs, GS Leonardi, A Dusseldorp, B Boeva, F Hruba, B Brunekreef, T Fletcher01/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Immunogenicity and safety of monovalent p1.7(h),4 meningococcal outer membrane vesicle vaccine in toddlers: comparison of two vaccination schedules and two vaccine formulationsED de Kleijn, R de Groot, AB Lafeber, J Labadie, KCJP van Limpt, J Visser, GAM Berbers, L van Alphen, HC Rumke27/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Immunity to poliomyelitis in the NetherlandsMAE Conyn-van Spaendonck, HE de Melker, F Abbink, N Elzinga-Gholizadea, TG Kimman, T van Loon27/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Genetic heterogeneity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates reflected in IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns as low-intensity bandsAS de Boer, K Kremer, MW Borgdorff, PEW de Haas, HF Heersma, D van Soolingen08/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
From emissions in Europe to critical load exceedances in Finland - uncertainty analysis of acidification integrated assessmentS Syri, R Suutari, M Posch13/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Fatty acid intake and the risk of dementia and cognitive decline: a review of clinical and epidemiological studiesS Kalmijn12/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Exhaled nitric oxide: a novel biomarker of adverse respiratory health effects in epidemiological studiesJGC van Amsterdam, S Nierkens, JG Vos, A Opperhuizen, H van Loveren, PA Steerenberg01/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Detection and identification of eight Trichinella genotypes by reverse line blot hybridizationYB Rombout, S Bosch, JWB van der Giessen28/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Computerization of patient tracking and tracing during mass casualty incidentsJH Bouman, RJ Schouwerwou, KJ van der Eijk, AJ van Leusden, TJF Savelkoul08/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of selective enrichment media for the detection of Salmonella in poultry faecesN Voogt, M Raes, WJB Wannet, AM Henken, AW van de Giessen28/02/2001Tijdschriftartikel