Clonal dissemination of epidemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgium and neighboring countriesA Deplano, W Witte, WJ van Leeuwen, Y Brun, MJ Struelens06/07/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Climate change policy targets and the role of technological changeMA Janssen, B de Vries13/07/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Varying sensitivity of waist action levels to identify subjects with overweight or obesity in 19 populations of the WHO MONICA ProjectA Molarius, JC Seidell, S Sans, J Tuomilehto, L Kuulasmaa20/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
The use of vero-cells for the determination of residual specific toxicity of batches of diphtheria toxoidJW van der Gun, D Borsboom, J Jooren, B van den Maagdenberg, C Hendriksen31/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
The use of alternatives to animal tests in developing countriesHA Hong, J Hendriks31/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
The role of thymus-dependent T cells in hexachlorobenzene-induced inflammatory skin and lung lesionsCCPPC Michielsen, N Bloksma, FA Klatter, J Rozing, JG Vos, JE van Dijk27/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
The ECVAM Task Force Quality Control of HormonesB Garthoff, M Halder, C Hendriksen, J Mulders, J van Noordwijk, P Storring31/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
The double antigen immunoassays for determination of anti-diphtheria antibodies in seraA Azhari, ND Thinh, J Vandenberg, H Aggerbeck, J van der Gun, J Hendriks, C Hendriksen31/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Tetanus antibodies measured by the Toxin Binding Inhibition Test (ToBI) in mother and children in the Neonatal Tetanus Program in VietnamNQ Anh, HA Hong, TN Nhon, ND Thinh, NT Van, J Hendriks31/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Tea flavonoids may protect against atherosclerosis. The Rotterdam StudyJM Geleijnse, LJ Launer, A Hofman, HAP Pols, JCM Witterman19/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel