Molecular detection and epidemiology of Sapporo-like virusesJ Vinje, H Deijl, R van der Heide, D Lewis, KO Hedlund, L Svensson, MPG Koopmans27/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Haemolytic activity of the 'Streptococcus milleri group' and relationship between haemolysis restricted to human red blood cells and pathogenicity in S. intermediusJA Jacobs, CS Schot, LM Schouls27/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Quantitative structure-property relationships for direct photolysis quantum yields of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsJ Chen, WJGM Peijnenburg, X Quan, F Yang27/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Measles in a Dutch hospital introduced by an immunocompromised infant from Indonesia infected with a new virus genotypeRL de Swart, PME Wertheim-van Dillen, RS van Binnendijk, CP Muller, J Frenkel, ADME Osterhaus27/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Immunogenicity and safety of a hexavalent meningococcal outermembrane-vesicle vaccine in children of 2-3 and 7-8 years of ageED de Kleijn, R de Groot, J Labadie, AB Lafeber, G van den Dobbelsteen, L van Alphen, H van Dijken, B Kuipers, GW van Omme, M Wala, R Juttmann, HC Rumke20/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of glycyrrhizic acid, a compound subject to presystemic metabolism and enterohepatic cyclingBA Ploeger, J Meulenbelt, J DeJongh20/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Determination of linuron and related compounds in soil by microwave-assisted solvent extraction and reversed-phase liquid chromatography with UV detectionC Molins, EA Hogendoorn, E Dijkman, HAG Heusinkveld, RA Baumann20/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Modeling relationships between indoor and outdoor air qualityJI Freijer, HJT Bloemen17/03/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Recoveries of phenylalanine from two sets of dried-blood-spot reference materials: prediction from hematocrit spot volume, and paper matrixBW Adam, RJ Alexander, SJ Smith, DH Chace, JG Loeber, LH Elvers, HW Hannon17-03-2000Tijdschriftartikel
Waning immunity and sub-clinical infection in an epidemic model: implications for pertussis in the NetherlandsM van Boven, HE de Melker, JFP Schellekens, M Kretzschmar19/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel