Estimating the contribution of overweight and obesity to ethnic inequalities in cardio-metabolic diseases in the Netherlands: a simulation studyWJ Nusselder, D Long, WE Waterlander, K Stronks, HC Boshuizen18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon skin permeation efficiency in vitro is lower through human than pigskin and decreases with lipophilicityK Simon, N Bartsch, L Schneider, V van de Weijgert, C Hutzler, A Luch, et al.18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Investigating possibilities for surveillance of long term chlamydia complications in the Netherlands: A qualitative studyEM den Boogert, F van Aar, JCM Heijne18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Evaluation of a multifaceted implementation strategy for semi-automated surveillance of surgical site infections after total hip or knee arthroplasty: a multicentre pilot study in the NetherlandsM Brekelmans, T Hopmans, M van Mourik, S de Greeff, J Swillens, S van Rooden18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Zebrafish and nematodes as whole organism models to measure developmental neurotoxicityS Hughes, EVS Hessel18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Association between work sick-leave absenteeism and SARS-CoV-2 notifications in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 epidemicMG Keet, B Boudewijns, F Jongenotter, S van Iersel, CH van Werkhoven, RB van Gageldonk-Lafeber, L van Asten, et al.18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
A perspective on the next generation of Earth system model scenarios: towards representative emission pathways (REPs)M Meinshausen, CF Schleussner, K Beyer, G Bodeker, O Boucher, GJM Velders, et al.18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Governance of advanced materials: Shaping a safe and sustainable futureM Groenewold, EAJ Bleeker, CW Noorlander, AJAM Sips, MI Bakker, LG Soeteman-Hernandez, et al.18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Increasing complexity in Aerodynamic Gradient flux calculations inside the roughness sublayer applied on a two-year datasetEA Melman, S Rutledge-Jonker, M Braam, KFA Frumau, MC van Zanten, et al.18-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Mind the gap: knowledge, attitudes and perceptions on antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention and control in long-term care facilities for people with disabilities in the NetherlandsS Hidad, SC de Greeff, A Haenen, F de Haan, GL Leusink, A Timen14-06-2024Tijdschriftartikel