Ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in patients with asthma: role of neutrophil-derived serine proteinasesTJN Hiltermann, EA Peters, B Alberts, LA van Bree, et al.25/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Modelling cadmium accumulation at a regional scale in the NetherlandsA Tiktak, JRM Alkemade, JJM van Grinsven, GB Makaske08/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Low-dose radiation sensitivity and a subpopulation of sensitive cellsKH Chadwick, HP Leenhouts26/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Isolation, characterization, and transfer of cryptic gene-mobilizing plasmids in the wheat rhizosphereJD van Elsas, BB McSpadden Gardener, AC Wolters, E Smit19/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Impairment of health and quality of life in people with large waist circumferenceMEJ Lean, TS Han, JC Seidell28/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Epididymal sperm aneuploidies in three strains of rats detected by multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridizationXR Lowe, JM de Stoppelaar, J Bishop, B Hoebee, et al.28/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Dynamics and stratification of functional groups of nematodes in the organic layer of a Scots pine forest in relation to temperature and moistureAJ Schouten, MLP van Esbroek, JRM Alkemade25/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Differential transmission of the genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato by game birds and small rodents in EnglandK Kurtenbach, M Peacey, SGT Rijpkema, AN Hoodless, PA Nuttall, SE Randolph28/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Diesel exhaust particles induced release of interleukin 6 and 8 by (primed) human bronchial epithelial cells (beas 2B) in vitroPA Steerenberg, JAJ Zonnenberg, JAMA Dormans, PNT Joon, IM Wouters, L van Bree, H van Loveren07/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Capillary gas-chromatographic method for determining non-derivatized sterols - some results for duplicate 24 h diet samples collected in 1994AA Jekel, HAMG Vaessen, RC Schothorst25/05/1998Tijdschriftartikel