An international outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 infection due to lettuce, September-October 2007I Friesema, G Sigmundsdottir, K van der Zwaluw, A Heuvelink, B Schimmer, C de Jager, B Rump, H Briem, H Hardardottir, A Atladottir, E Gudmundsdottir, W van Pelt12/02/2009Tijdschriftartikel
High heterogeneity in methods used for the laboratory confirmation of pertussis diagnosis among European countries, 2010: integration of epidemiological and laboratory surveillance must include standardisation of methodologies and quality assuranceQ He, A-M Barkoff, J Mertsola, S Glismann, S Bacci, F Mooi, G Berbers04/03/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Unhealthy lifestyles do not mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and incident depressive symptoms: The Health ABC studyDAI Groffen, A Koster, H Bosma, M van den Akker, GIJM Kempen, JTM van Eijk, CH van Gool, BWJH Penninx, TB Harris, SM Rubin, M Pahor, R Schulz, EM Simonsick, SE Perry, HN Ayoayon, SB Kritchevsky26/07/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Tobacco smoke-related health effects induced by 1,3-butadiene and strategies for risk reductionLG Soeteman-Hernandez, PMJ Bos, R Talhout31/12/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Improving a risk assessment method for CCSL Gelderen, ES Kooi, PAM Uijt de Haag, TJ Schuitmaker30/09/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Assessment of the efficacy of disinfectants on surfacesB van Klingeren, W Koller, SF Bloomfield, et al.03/12/1998Tijdschriftartikel
What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?PA Newman, LD Oman, AR Douglass, EL Fleming, SM Frith, MM Hurwitz, SR Kawa, CH Jackman, NA Krotkov, ER Nash, JE Nielsen, S Pawson, RS Stolarski, GJM Velders09/04/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Reactie op: SSRI-gebruik in de zwangerschap en bij borstvoedingAGW te Winkel, JML Wentges-van Wentges-van Holthe02/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel