Structural identifiability of PBPK models: practical consequences for modeling strategies and study designsW Slob, PHM Janssen, JM van den Hof05/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Isolation and characterization of the Neisseria meningitidis lpxD-fabZ-lpxA gene cluster involved in lipid A biosynthesisL Steeghs, MP Jennings, JT Poolman, P van der Ley05/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Spontaneous liver tumors and benzo(a)pyrene-induced lymphomas in XPA-deficient miceA de Vries, CTM van Oostrom, PM Dortant, RB Beems, CF van Kreijl, PJA Capel, H van Steeg05/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
A risk assessment study of Bacillus cereus present in pasteurized milkS Notermans, J Dufrenne, P Teunis, R Beumer, M te Giffel, P Peeters Weem05/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Association of torovirus with acute and persistent diarrhea in childrenMPG Koopmans, ESM Goosen, AAM Lima, IT Mcauliffe, JP Nataro, LJ Barrett, RI Glass, RL Guerrant05/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Prionen: besmetting en ontsmetting (II) [Letter to the editor]RE Geertsma, JAAM van Asten20/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Analysis of a genetic event associated with the birth of the current cholera epidemic in Asia.FR Mooi, EM Bik, AE Bunschoten20-08-1997Tijdschriftartikel
Dimercapto-1-propane sulphonate (DPMS) the chelator of choice in mercury intoxication [Abstract]J Meulenbelt, A van Dijk, FFT Ververs, I de Vries20/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Treatment of beta-blocker intoxication: role of beta-agonists and glucagon [Abstract]J Meulenbelt, AE Toet20/08/1997Tijdschriftartikel