Emergency procedures in the event of chemical exposure/accidentsJ Meulenbelt10/06/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Clycosyl compositions and structural characteristics of the potential immuno-adjuvant active saponins in the Quillaja saponaria molina extract Quil ADC van Setten, G van de Werken, G Zomer, GFA Kersten10/06/1996Tijdschriftartikel
An integrated analysis of sulfur emissions, acid depostion and climate changeJ Alcamo, M Krol, M Posch01/04/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Determining the global significance of local and regional mitigation strategies: setting the scene with global integrated assessment modelsR Leemans31/05/1996Tijdschriftartikel
IABS-ECVAM-PEI-RIVM symposium: replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experiments in the development and control of biological products, Langen, Germany, 2-4 November 1994HJM van de Donk31/05/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Development, validation and acceptance of alternative methods in the quality control of vaccines: a case reportCFM Hendriksen31/05/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Determination of animo acids using 0-phthalaldehyde-2-mercaptoethanol derivatization; effect of reaction conditionsRC Dorresteijn, LG Berwald, G Zomer, CD de Gooijer, G Wieten, EC Beuvery28/05/1996Tijdschriftartikel
The spread of an STD on a dynamic network of sexual contactsM Kretzschmar03/05/1996Tijdschriftartikel