Circulating osteopontin and prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma development in a large European populationT Duarte-Salles, S Misra, M Stepien, A Plymoth, D Muller, K Overvad, A Olsen, A Tjonneland, L Baglietto, G Seven, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.27/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Citizen sensing for improved urban environmental monitoring.Q Jiang, F Kresin, AK Bregt, L Kooistra, E Pareschi, E van Putten, H Volten, J Wesseling2016-06-13Tijdschriftartikel
Comparing the effect of a leaflet and a movie in preventing tick bites and Lyme disease in The NetherlandsDJMA Beaujean, R Crutzen, F Gassner, C Ameling, A Wong, JE van Steenbergen, D Ruwaard20/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of abdominal adiposity and overall obesity in relation to risk of small intestinal cancer in a European Prospective CohortAJ Cross, N Murphy, H Freisling, RC Travis, P Ferrari, VA Katzke, R Kaaks, A Olsson, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.20/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Dermacentor reticulatus: a vector on the riseG Földvari, P Siroky, S Szekeres, G Majoros, H Sprong06/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Determinants of the t(14;18) translocation and their role in t(14;18)-positive follicular lymphomaRS Kelly, S Roulland, E Morgado, S Sungalee, N Jouve, R Tumino, V Krogh, S Panico, S Polidoro, G Masala, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.13/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Development of a comprehensive model for stakeholder management in mental healthcareJ Bierbooms, H van Oers, J Rijkers, I Bongers20/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Development of nanostructure-activity relationships assisting the nanomaterial hazard categorization for risk assessment and regulatory decision-makingG Chen, WJGM Peijnenburg, V Kovalishyn, MG Vijver13/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Differential effects of Cytomegalovirus carriage on the immune phenotype of middle-aged males and femalesM van der Heiden, MC van Zelm, SJW Bartol, LGH de Rond, GAM Berbers, AMH Boots, AM Buisman06/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Does online dating lead to higher sexual risk behaviour? A cross-sectional study among MSM in Amsterdam, the NetherlandsT Heijman, I Stolte, R Geskus, A Matser, U Davidovich, M Xiridou, M Schim van der Loeff20/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel