Characterization of Neisseria meningitidis strains causing disease in complement-deficient and complement-sufficient patientsCAP Fijen, EJ Kuijper, J Dankert, MR Daha, DA Caugant10/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Association between apolipoprotein E e4 and the rate of cognitive decline in community-dwelling elderly individuals with and without dementiaC Jonker, B Schmand, J Lindeboom, LM Havekes, LJ Launer24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Antigenic and molecular characterization of wild type 1 poliovirus causing outbreaks of poliomyelitis in Albania and neighboring countries in 1996L Fiore, D Genovese, E Diamanti, HGAM van der Avoort, et al.24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Analysis of record-low ozone values during the 1997 winter over Lauder, New ZealandEJ Brinksma, YJ Meijer, BJ Connor, JB Bergwerff, DPJ Swart24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
An assessment of ECC ozonesondes operated using 1% and 0.5% KI cathode solutions at Lauder, New ZealandIS Boyd, GE Bodeker, BJ Connor, DPJ Swart, EJ Brinksma10/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
A risk assessment approach to evaluating food safety based on product surveillanceS Notermans, MJ Nauta, J Jansen, JL Jouve, GC Mead24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
A mouse model to study immunity against pseudorabies virus infection: significance of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in protective immunityATJ Bianchi, HWM Moonen-Leusen, FJ van Milligen, HJF Savelkoul, RJ Zwart, TG Kimman24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
A model study on the stability of the macrophyte-dominated state as affected by biological factorsJH Janse, E van Donk, T Aldenberg07/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Radiation induced chromosome aberrations: some biophysical considerationsKH Chadwick, HP Leenhouts29/10/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Bartonella serology for patients with intraocular inflammatory diseaseA Rothova, F Kerkhoff, HJ Hooft, JM Ossewaarde29/10/1998Tijdschriftartikel