Cells with UV-specific DNA damage are present in murine lymph nodes after in vivo UV irradiation [Abstract]Y Sontag, FR de Gruijl, H van Loveren, J Garssen, et al.17/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Cardioprotective properties of O-(beta-hydroxyethyl)-rutosides in doxorubicin-pretreated BALB/c miceSABE van Acker, EE Voest, DB Beems, et al.17/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Cadmium-induced inhibition of proliferation and differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells and mechanistic aspects of protection by zincAH Piersma, B Roelen, P Roest, et al.12/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Bal cells of toxocara canis-infected mice cause changes in tracheal reactivity in vitro [Abstract]J Buijs, FP Nijkamp19/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Anti-interleukin-5 inhibits tracheal hyporeactivity but not the increased pulmonary resistance in toxocara canis infected mice [Abstract]J Buijs, HFJ Savelkoul, FP Nijkamp19/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
An integrative, patient-based registration model for monitoring hospital activities, costs of care, and quality of life related to treatment of HIV infection and AIDS: a user-menu for data retrieval purposesMGW Dijkgraaf, AHP Luijben, FAP Claessen, JC Jager26/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Aminoglycoside dosage regimens. Is once a day enough?WNM Hustinx, IM Hoepelman19/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Alternatives to animal testing in the production and quality control of vaccines: present practice and prospectivesAAJ van Iersel, CFM Hendriksen20/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel
AIDS scenarios for The Netherlands: the impact on the health care systemMJ Postma, JC Jager, MGW Dijkgraaf, JCC Borleffs26/01/1994Tijdschriftartikel