Oral intake of added titanium dioxide and its nanofraction from food products, food supplements and toothpaste by the Dutch populationC Rompelberg, MB Heringa, G van Donkersgoed, J Drijvers, A Roos, S Westenbrink, R Peters, G van Bemmel, W Brand, AG Oomen19/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Parallel reaction monitoring of clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages reveals pre-existent markers of rifampicin tolerance in the emerging Beijing lineageJ de Keijzer, A Mulder, AH de Ru, D van Soolingen, PA van Veelen05/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Pathways of root uptake and membrane transport of Cd2+ in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulating plant Sedum plumbizincicolaLZ Li, LH Wu, WJ Peijnenburg, S Ebbs, YM Luo26/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Performance of a bedside test for tetanus immunity: results of a cross-sectional study among three EDs in the Netherlands in 2012-2013NA van der Maas, R Donken, MJ te Wierik, CM Swaan, SJ Hahne, HE de Melker12/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Pre-scald brushing for removal of solids and associated broiler carcass bacterial contaminationE Pacholewicz, LJ Lipman, A Swart, AH Havelaar, WJ Heemskerk05/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Prediction of carcinogenic potential of chemicals using repeated-dose (13-week) toxicity dataRA Woutersen, AEMF Soffers, ED Kroese, CAM Krul, JW van der Laan, J van Benthem, M Luijten12/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Preventie van ernstige infecties bij asplenie. Niet evidencebased maar wel noodzakelijkTJM Verheij27/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Projecting the COPD population and costs in England and Scotland: 2011 to 2030S McLean, M Hoogendoorn, RT Hoogenveen, TL Feenstra, S Wild, CR Simpson, M Rutten-van Mölken, A Sheikh05/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Radiation protection in pediatric radiology: results of a survey among Dutch hospitalsH Bijwaard, D Valk, I de Waard-Schalkx05/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Regulatory ecotoxicity testing of nanomaterials - proposed modifications of OECD test guidelines based on laboratory experience with silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticlesK Hund-Rinke, A Baun, D Cupi, T Fernandes, R Handy, JH Kinross, JM Navas, WJGM Peijnenburg, K Schlich, BJ Shaw, J Scott-Fordsman12/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel