UNCSAM: a tool for automating sensitivity and uncertainty analysisPHM Janssen, PSC Heuberger, R Sanders30/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Toxocara canis-induced murine pulmonary inflammation: analysis of cells and proteins in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluidJ Buijs, WH Lokhorst, J Robinson, FP Nijkamp02/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
The effects of intravesical pretreatment with pentosan polysulfate on the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin induced immune reaction of the Guinea pigTM de Reijke, LC de Boer, PA Steerenberg, PCN Vos, KH Kurth, DHJ Schamhart02/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Screening op foetale neuraalbuisdefecten. Alfa-foetoproteineconcentratie in maternaal serumR Kriek, MJ Korenromp, AM Hagenaars, GCML Christiaens, HW Bruine03/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Scenario analysis, health policy, and decision makingJC Jager, FMLG van den Boom30/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Quality assurance in health care. From a traditional towards a modern approachPPM Harteloh, FWSM Verheggen30/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Public health and plant life under oxidant air pollution.L van Bree, AEG Tonneijck1994-06-03Tijdschriftartikel
Present state of the water quality of European rivers and implications for managementGM van Dijk, L van Liere, W Admiraal, BA Bannink, JJ Cappon30/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Modelling traffic and transportation data: using ARC/INFO dynamic segmentation in a general conceptual modelR Zandee, M Kuijpers-Linde, U Uiterwijk03/06/1994Tijdschriftartikel