A model system for analyzing somatic mutations in Drosophila melanogasterAM Garcia, A Derventzi, R Busuttil, RB Calder, E Perez, L Chadwell, MET Dolle, M Lundell, J Vijg28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Disease burden estimation to support policy decision-making and research prioritization for arsenic mitigationG Howard, MF Ahmed, P Teunis, SG Mahmud, A Davison, D Deere28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Molecular epidemiology of acute hepatitis B in the Netherlands in 2004: nationwide surveyR van den Houdt, SM Bruisten, FD Koedijk, NH Dukers, ELM Op de Coul, MC Mostert, HG Niesters, JH Richardus, RA de Man, GJ van Doornum, JA van den Hoek, RA Coutinho, MJ van de Laar, HJ Boot28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Increase in HCV incidence among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam most likely caused by sexual transmissionTJW van Laar, AK van der Bij, M Prins, SM Bruisten, K Brinkman, TA Ruys, JTM van der Meer, HJC de Vries, JW Mulder, M van Agtmael, S Jurriaans, KC Wolthers, RA Coutinho28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Dynamics in prophage content of invasive and noninvasive M1 and M28 streptococcus pyogenes isolates in the Netherlands from 1959 to 1996BJM Vlaminckx, FHJ Schuren, RC Montijn, MPM Caspers, MM Beitsma, WJB Wannet, LM Schouls, J Verhoef, WTM Jansen28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Towards an integrated approach in supporting microbiological food safety decisionsAH Havelaar, J Braunig, K Christiansen, M Cornu, T Hald, MJJ Mangen, K Molbak, A Pielaat, E Snary, W van Pelt, A Velthuis, H Wahlstrom28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
GASA4, one of the 14-member Arahidopsis GASA family of small polypeptides, regulates flowering and seed developmentI Roxrud, SE Lid, JC Fletcher, EDL Schmidt, HG Opsahl-Sorteberg28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Trends in air concentration and deposition of mercury in the coastal environment of the North Sea AreaI Wangberg, J Munthe, T Berg, R Ebinghaus, HH Kock, C Temme, E Bieber, TG Spain, A Stolk28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
The European Sero-Epidemiology Network 2: standardization of assay results for hepatitis B virusG Kafatos, C Anastassopoulou, A Nardone, N Andrews, C Barbara, HJ Boot, D Butur, I Davidkin, D Gelb, A Griskevicius, L Hesketh, G Icardi, L Jones, Z Kra-Oz, E Miller, J Mossong, V Nemecek, F de Ory, Z Sobotova, W Thierfelder, P van Damme, A Hatzakis28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Genetic variation in thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) is associated with hypertriglyceridaemia and blood pressure in diabetes mellitusMM van Greevenbroek, VM Vermeulen, EJ Feskens, CT Evelo, M Kruijshoop, B Hoebee, CJ van der Kallen, TW de Bruin28/06/2007Tijdschriftartikel