The relationship of age, blood pressure, serum cholesterol and smoking habits with the risk of typical and atypical coronary heart disease death in the European cohorts of the Seven Countries StudyA Menotti, M Lanti, S Nedeljkovic, A Nissinen, A Kafatos, D Kromhout09/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
The relation between pulse pressure and cardiovascular mortality in 12763 middle-aged men form various parts of the world : a 25 year follow-up of the Seven Countries StudyDB Panagiotakos, D Kromhout, A Menotti, C Chrysohoou, A Dontas, C Pitsavos, H Adachi, H Blackburn, S Nedeljkovic, A Nissinen09/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
The calculated genetic barrier for antiretroviral drug resistance substitutions is largely similar for different HIV-1 subtypesDA van de Vijver, AM Wensing, G Angarano, ELM Op de Coul, et al.30/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Surveillance van beademing-gerelateerde pneumonieen binnen PREZIESTII van der Kooi, S van den Hofs, JC Wille23/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Structuur van de infectieziektebestrijdingJE van Steenbergen, PJ van Dalen21/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Simulation of critical loads for nitrogen for terrestrial plant communities in The NetherlandsHF van Dobben, A van Hinsberg, EPAG Schouwenberg, M Jansen, JP Mol-Dijkstra, HJJ Wieggers, J Kros, W de Vries01/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Relevance of genetic background in respiratory tract infectionsTG Kimman, B Hoebee21/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Hospital-level Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey instrumentOA Arah, AHA ten Asbroek, DMJ Delnoij, JS de Koning, PJA Stam, AH Poll, B Vriens, PF Schmidt, NS Klazinga30/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Polymorphisms of genes coding for insulin-like growth factor 1 and its major binding proteins, circulating levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and breast cancer risk: results from the EPIC studyF Canzian, JD McKay, RJ Cleveland, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.30/03/2006Tijdschriftartikel