Analysis of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in rat urine and liver DNA by stable isotope dilution gas chromatography/mass spectrometryAJR Teixeira, MS Ferreira, WJ van Dijk, G van de Werken, APJM de Jong02/10/1995Tijdschriftartikel
A non-linear theory of high-concentration-gradient dispersion in porous mediaSM Hassanizadeh, A Leijnse02/10/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Identification of critical control points in the HACCP system with a quantitative effect on the safety of food productsS Notermans, G Gallhoff, MH Zwietering, GC Mead02/10/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Hypertension and overweight associated with hyperinsulinaemia and glucose tolerance: a longitudinal study of the Finnish and Dutch cohorts of the Seven Countries StudyEJM Feskens, J Tuomilehto, JH Stengard, J Pekkanen, A Nissinen, D Kromhout23/10/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Climate change, policy options and research implicationsP Vellinga, M Hisschemoller, JHG Klabbers, MM Berk, RJ Swart, AP van Ulden04/12/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Susceptibility of bacterial strains to desiccation. A simple method to test their stability in microbiological reference materialsB Janning, P Huis in 't Veld21/07/1994Tijdschriftartikel
The development of live animal feed reference materials, certified for their aflatoxin B1 contentHP van Egmond, S Patel, WE Paulsch, EA Sizoo, et al.06/12/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Environmental aspects of construction with waste materialsJJJM Goumans, HA van der Sloot, TG Albers31/12/1994Tijdschriftartikel
Variations in outdoor radiation levels in the NetherlandsRCGM Smetsers, RO Blaauboer25/09/1995Tijdschriftartikel