Isolation and characterization of Fim D, a fimbrial associated protein of Bordetella pertussis [Abstract]M Matheson, A Robinson, RJL Willems, F Mooi15/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
A serological alternative for the Kendrick test [Abstract]A van der Ark, I van Straaten-van de Kapelle, W de Jong, H van de Donk15/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
Monitoring of risk factors and chronic disease in the Netherlands: the MoRGeN-project [Abstract]JC Seidell, HB Bueno de Mesquita, HA Smit, WMM Verschuren, A Blokstra, D Kromhout06/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
The future of chronic diseases in the Netherlands: results of the Chronic Diseases Scenario Project [Abstract]H Verkleij, D Ruwaard, R Gijsen, D Kromhout, T Casparie06/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of an infinite dimensional model for parasitic diseases with a related 2-dimensional systemM Kretzschmar06/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
UV-B and the immune systemW Goettsch, J Garssen, FR de Gruijl, H van Loveren06/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
Author's reply to: 'Usefulness of DNA fingerprinting in combating tuberculosis' [Letter to the editor by F.Allerberger et al.]JDA van Embden, D van Soolingen, PEW de Haas06/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
Prevention of toxicity of metal ions to Aeromonas and other bacteria in drinking-water samples using nitrilotriacetiacid (NTA) instead of ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid (EDTA)FM Schets, GJ Medema06/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel
Plankton communities as affected by pollution: a case study on the river RhineGMJ Tubbing15/09/1993Tijdschriftartikel