Human exposure to endotoxins and fecal indicators originating from water featuresH de Man, DDJ Heederik, EJTM Leenen, AM de Roda-Husman, JJG Spithoven, F van Knapen01/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Human risk assessment of contaminated soils by oil products: total TPH content versus fraction approachJ Pinedo, R Ibanez, JPA Lijzen, A Irabien29/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Humoral and B-cell memory responses in children five years after pertussis acellular vaccine primingM Carollo, E Pandolfi, AE Tozzi, AM Buisman, F Mascart, CM Ausiello02/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Immuno-epidemiological modeling of HIV-1 predicts high heritability of the set-point virus load, while selection for CTL escape dominates virulence evolutionCH van Dorp, M van Boven, RJ de Boer22/12/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Impact of measles national vaccination coverage on burden of measles across 29 Member States of the European Union and European Economic Area, 2006-2011E Colzani, SA McDonald, P Carrillo-Santisteve, MC Busana, P Lopalco, A Cassini02/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Impacts of major cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and protons on toxicity predictions of nickel and cadmium to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) using exposure modelsY Liu, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg02/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
In vivo murine hepatic microRNA and mRNA expression signatures predicting the (non-)genotoxic carcinogenic potential of chemicalsJPM Melis, KWJ Derks, TE Pronk, P Wackers, MM Schaap, E Zwart, WFJ van IJcken, MJ Jonker, TM Breit, J Pothof, H van Steeg, M Luijten01/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Increase in number of helminth species from Dutch red foxes over a 35-year periodF Franssen, R Nijsse, J Mulder, H Cremers, C Dam, K Takumi, J van der Giessen14/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Infection of great apes and a zoo keeper with the same Mycobacterium tuberculosis spoligotypeOW Akkerman, TS van der Werf, F Rietkerk, T Eger, D van Soolingen, K van der Loo, AGM van der Zanden01/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Intakes of potassium, magnesium, and calcium and risk of strokeI Sluijs, S Czernichow, JWJ Beulens, JMA Boer, YT van der Schouw, WMM Verschuren, DE Grobbee03/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel