Surface morphology and morphometry of rat alveolar macrophages after ozone exposureJAMA Dormans, PJA Rombout, H van Loveren31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Maintenance therapy with BCG-RIVM in patients with chemotherapy resistent and recurrent superficial papillary bladder carcinoma, with or without intradermal BCG administration. A randomized phase II study [Abstract]PDJ Vegt, APM van der Meijden, MPH Franssen, AGM Dinkhuijsen, PA Steerenberg, FMJ Debruyne31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Two-dimensional chromatographic methods for determination of aflatoxins in liver; occurrence of aflatoxins in animal liverHP van Egmond, WE Paulsch, EA Sizoo, PL Schuller31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Preventive action of thioethers towards in vitro DNA binding and mutagenesis in E-coli K12 by alkylating agentsED Kroese, MJ Zeilmaker, GR Mohn, JHN Meerman31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
The importance of thyroxine binding globulin for the Dutch neonatal thyroid screeningERVM Rikkers-Mutsaerts, T Vulsma, BM Wiedijk, PR Kootstra31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Induction of protective immunity with morbillivirus ISCOM preparationsADM Osterhaus, P de Vries, FGCM UytdeHaag, IKG Visser, B Morein01/03/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Halo-azijnzuren, chloriet en chloraat in Nederlands drinkwaterJFM Versteegh, RJB Peters, EWB de Leer16/08/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Isolation of an orthopoxvirus from pox-like lesions of a grey seal (Halochoerus grypus)ADME Osterhaus, HWJ Broeders, IKG Visser, JS Teppema, EJ Vedder28/07/1990Tijdschriftartikel
What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?PA Newman, LD Oman, AR Douglass, EL Fleming, SM Frith, MM Hurwitz, SR Kawa, CH Jackman, NA Krotkov, ER Nash, JE Nielsen, S Pawson, RS Stolarski, GJM Velders09/04/2009Tijdschriftartikel