Comparison of the nutritional composition and calculated Nutri-score classifications of the Dutch food retail supply in 2018 and 2020E Steenberen, EHM Temme18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Harmonize rules for digital sequence information benefit-sharing across UN frameworksS Sett, WJ Kress, M Halewood, D Nicholson, G Nuñez-Vega, C dos Santos Ribeiro, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Rainfall events and daily mortality across 645 global locations: two stage time series analysisC He, S Breitner-Busch, V Huber, K Chen, S Zhang, J Klompmaker, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Barriers and enablers that influence the uptake of HIV testing among heterosexual migrants in the NetherlandsMartinez Martinez, H Ormel, ELM Op de Coul18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Estimating the risk and spatial spread of measles in populations with high MMR uptake: Using school-household networks to understand the 2013 to 2014 outbreak in the NetherlandsJD Munday, KE Atkins, D Klinkenberg, SJM Hahné, J Wallinga, AJ van Hoek, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Differences in SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence at the end of the pre-vaccination period between age groups: A cross-sectional analysis of the multi-ethnic population-based HELIUS studyR Bolijn, AMW Spijkerman, H Galenkamp, A Blokstra, L Coyer, A Boyd18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Exploring transmission dynamics of the Sarcoptes scabiei mite in humans by combining molecular typing and epidemiological variables, the Netherlands 2016-2023M Vink, H Coppoolse, A Bergmans, M Wennekes, S Pas, M Braks, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Standardised reporting of burden of disease studies: the STROBOD statementB Devleesschauwer, P Charalampous, V Gorasso, R Assunção, H Hilderink, J Idavain, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
The Impact of unrelated future medical costs on economic evaluation outcomes for different models of diabetesT Zhao, M Tew, T Feenstra, P van Baal, M Willis, WJ Valentine, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Prediction of individual lifetime cardiovascular risk and potential treatment benefit: development and recalibration of the LIFE-CVD2 model to four European risk regionsSHJ Hageman, S Kaptoge, TI de Vries, W Lu, JM Kist, WMM Verschuren, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel