Breastfeeding, weight gain in infancy, and overweight at seven years of age. The prevention and incidence of asthma and mite allergy birth cohort studyS Scholtens, U Gehring, B Brunekreef, HA Smit, JC de Jongste, M Kerkhof, J Gerritsen, AH Wijga25/05/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Median, ulnar, and combined median-ulnar nerve injuries: functional outcome and return to productivityJB Jaquet, AJM Luijsterburg, S Kalmijn, PDL Kuypers, A Hofman, SER Hovius29/11/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Subclinical legionella infection in workers near the source of a large outbreak of legionnaires diseaseHC Boshuizen, SE Neppelenbroek, H van de Vliet, JFP Schellekens, JW den Boer, MF Peeters, MAE Conyn-van Spaendonck27/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Time study on development and repair of lung injury following ozone exposure in ratsL van Bree, JAMA Dormans, AJF Boere, PJA Rombout27/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Immunoglobulin A-mediated protection against Bordetella pertussis infectionSMM Hellwig, AB van Spriel, JFP Schellekens, FR Mooi, JGJ van de Winkel27/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Etiology of gastroenteritis in sentinel general practices in the NetherlandsMAS de Wit, MPG Koopmans, LM Kortbeek, NJ van Leeuwen, J Vinje, YTHP van Duynhoven28/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Lifestyle factors and plasma homocysteine concentrations in a general population sampleA de Bree, WMM Verschuren, HJ Blom, D Kromhout28/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Disseminated Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of the upper respiratory tract diagnosed by spoligotypingAGM van der Zanden, RHU Rammeloo, FJ Mud, TAJM Manschot, D van Soolingen28/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Parental history of diabetes modifies the association between abdominal adiposity and hyperglycemiaRM van Dam, JMA Boer, EJM Feskens, JC Seidell28/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel
The pharmacokinetics of glycyrrhizic acid evaluated by physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelingB Ploeger, T Mensinga, A Sips, W Seinen, J Meulenbelt, J DeJongh28/08/2001Tijdschriftartikel