Induction of protective immunity with morbillivirus ISCOM preparationsADM Osterhaus, P de Vries, FGCM UytdeHaag, IKG Visser, B Morein01/03/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Halo-azijnzuren, chloriet en chloraat in Nederlands drinkwaterJFM Versteegh, RJB Peters, EWB de Leer16/08/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Isolation of an orthopoxvirus from pox-like lesions of a grey seal (Halochoerus grypus)ADME Osterhaus, HWJ Broeders, IKG Visser, JS Teppema, EJ Vedder28/07/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Determinants of personal and indoor PM2.5 and absorbance among elderly subject with coronary heart diseaseT Lanki, A Ahokas, S Alm, NAH Janssen, G Hoek, JJ de Hartog, B Brunekreef, J Pekkanen02/05/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Widening the scope of policies to address climate change: directions for mainstreamingMTJ Kok, HC de Coninck30/10/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Long-term personal exposure to PM2.5, soot and NOx in children attending schools located near busy roads, a validation studyS van Roosbroeck, J Jacobs, NAH Janssen, M Oldenwening, G Hoek, B Brunekreef19/07/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Associations between lifestyle and depressed mood: longitudinal results from the Maastricht Aging StudyCH van Gool, GIJM Kempen, H Bosma, MPJ Boxtel, J Jolles, JTM van Eijk16/07/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Present and future sources and emissions of halocarbons: toward new constraintsJS Daniel, GJM Velders, S Solomon, M McFarland, SA Montzka20/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Social networks and receving informal careA de Boer, M de Klerk, M Cardol, G Westert22/01/2007Tijdschriftartikel