Risk assessment. A basis for the definition of sterilityHW Winckels, JW Dorpema28/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Radiation cancer risk: implications from a two-stage model of carcinogenesis.HP Leenhouts, KH Chadwick1995-01-14Tijdschriftartikel
Quality assurance in analytical chemical laboratories; Towards harmonization and integration of current standardsHA van 't Klooster, HA Deckers, CJ Baijense, IJB Meuwsen, ML Salm17/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Protected peptide disulfides by oxidative detachment from a supportBH Rietman, RHPH Smulders, IF Eggen, A van Vliet, G van de Werken, GI Tesser14/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Priorities in environmental health risks related to air pollution throughout EuropeKA van der Heijden, M Krzyzanowski17/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Prevalence of maternally inherited diabetes and deafness in diabetic populations in The Netherlands [Letter to the editor]LM 't Hart, HHPJ Lemkes, RJ Heine, EJM Feskens, D Kromhout, et al.28/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Plasma fibrogen in relation to serum insulin, smoking habits and adipose tissue fatty acids in healthy menM Cigolini, G Targher, G de Sandre, M Muggeo, JC Seidell14/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
PEG-IL-2 therapy of advanced cancer in the Guinea pig. Impact of the primary tumor and beneficial effect of cyclophosphamideLTM Balemans, PA Steerenberg, FJ Koppenhagen, BHA Kremer, et al.24/01/1995Tijdschriftartikel
PCLAKE: a modelling tool for the evaluation of lake restoration scenarios.JH Janse, L van Liere1995-01-17Tijdschriftartikel