Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: RifampicineC Becker, JB Dressman, HE Junginger, S Kopp, KK Midha, VP Shah, S Stavchansky, DM Barends24/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Quinidine sulfateS Grube, P Langguth, HE Junginer, S Kopp, KK Midha, VP Shah, S Stavchansky, JB Dressman, DM Barends24/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Retinal degeneration and ionizing radiation hypersensitivity in a mouse model for cockayne syndromeTGMF Gorgels, I van der Pluijm, RMC Brandt, GA Garinis, H van Steeg, G van den Aardweg, GH Jansen, JM Ruijter, AAB Bergen, D van Norren, JHJ Hoeijmakers, GTJ van der Horst14/02/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Diclofenac sodium and Diclofenac potassiumB Chuasuwan, V Binjesoh, JE Polli, H Zhang, GL Amidon, HE Junginger, KK Midha, VP Shaw, S Stavchansky, JB Dressman, DM Barends24/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Radiological impact of industrial sources: influence of meteorological conditions and particle size distributionCP Tanzi, H Eleveld20/02/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Allometry of body size and abundance in 166 food websDC Reuman, C Mulder, C Banasek-Richter, MF Cattin Blandenier, AM Breure, H den Hollander, JM Kneitel, D Raffaelli, D Woodward, JE Cohen24/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Pain-related fear in low back pain: a prospective study in the general populationM Leeuw, RMA Houben, R Severeijns, HSJ Picavet, EGW Schouten, JWS Vlaeyen19/02/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Mycotoxins and phycotoxins. Advances in determination, toxicology and exposure management. IXth international IUPAC symposium on mycotoxins and phycotoxinsH Njapeu, S Trujillo, HP van Egmond, DL Park19/02/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Transmission classification model to determine place and time of infection of tuberculosis cases in an urban areaG de Vries, HWM Baars, MMGG Sebek, NAH van Hest, JH Richardus14/01/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Lack of association between the presence of the pVir plasmid and bloody diarrhea in Campylobacter jejuni enteritisRPL Louwen, A van Belkum, JA Wagenaar, Y Doorduyn, R Achterberg, HP Endtz12/02/2007Tijdschriftartikel