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Identification of critical control points in the HACCP system with a quantitative effect on the safety of food productsS Notermans, G Gallhoff, MH Zwietering, GC Mead02/10/1995Tijdschriftartikel
Hypertension and overweight associated with hyperinsulinaemia and glucose tolerance: a longitudinal study of the Finnish and Dutch cohorts of the Seven Countries StudyEJM Feskens, J Tuomilehto, JH Stengard, J Pekkanen, A Nissinen, D Kromhout23/10/1995Tijdschriftartikel
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Surface morphology and morphometry of rat alveolar macrophages after ozone exposureJAMA Dormans, PJA Rombout, H van Loveren31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Maintenance therapy with BCG-RIVM in patients with chemotherapy resistent and recurrent superficial papillary bladder carcinoma, with or without intradermal BCG administration. A randomized phase II study [Abstract]PDJ Vegt, APM van der Meijden, MPH Franssen, AGM Dinkhuijsen, PA Steerenberg, FMJ Debruyne31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Two-dimensional chromatographic methods for determination of aflatoxins in liver; occurrence of aflatoxins in animal liverHP van Egmond, WE Paulsch, EA Sizoo, PL Schuller31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel