Synergistic and antagonistic interactions of ozone and formaldehyde on the cell proliferation in rat nasal epithelium [Abstract]JWGM Wilmer, WR Leeman, A Zwart, PJA Rombout31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Surveillance of the antibiotic susceptibility of non-penicillinase producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the Netherlands from 1983 to 1986B van Klingeren, MC Ansink-Schipper, L Doornbos, M Dessens-Kroon, M Verheul31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Subacute scleroserende panencefalitis in Nederland (1976-1986)MFC Beersma, JG Kapsenberg, WO Renier, JMD Galama, JAM van Druten, CJ Lucas31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Statistical estimation of AIDS incidence from surveillance data and the link with modelling of trendsSH Heisterkamp, JC Jager, AM Downs, JAM van Druten, RJ Ruitenberg31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Statistical analysis and mathematical modelling of AIDSJC Jager, EJ Ruitenberg31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Standard for histological embedding media (Paraffin wax and resin)RT Allison, BE Causton, LHJC Danse, D Gadsdon, R Wilson31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Species-specific extracellular antigen production by ascomycetous yeasts, detected by ELISAWJ Middelhoven, S Notermans31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Some effects on light scattering intensity and red blood cell size distribution histograms due to spheringPC Bartels, PW Helleman, AFM Roijers, JBJ Soons31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel
Solid phase enzyme immunoassay for detection of non-complicated cervical infection with Chlamydia trachomatisJ van Ulsen, JHT Wagenvoort, RV van Eijk, E Stolz31/12/1988Tijdschriftartikel