Copper accumulation and physiological markers of soybean (Glycine max) grown in agricultural soil amended with copper nanoparticlesY Xiao, J Ma, J Xian, WJGM Peijnenburg, Y Du, D Tian, et al.27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Overview of national health reporting in the EU and quality criteria for public health reports - results of the Joint Action InfActM Thissen, S Seeling, P Achterberg, A Fehr, L Palmieri, MJ Tijhuis, B Unim, T Ziese27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Testing behaviour and positivity for SARS-CoV-2 infection: insights from web-based participatory surveillance in the NetherlandsSA McDonald, LC Soetens, CMA Schipper, I Friesema, CC van den Wijngaard, A Teirlinck, N Neppelenbroek, S van den Hof, J Wallinga, AJ van Hoek27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Advancing tools for human early lifecourse exposome research and translation (ATHLETE): Project overviewM Vrijheid, X Basagaña, JR Gonzalez, VWV Jaddoe, G Jensen, HC Keun, EVS Hessel, JD van Klaveren27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Geographical Variations of the Minimum Mortality Temperature at a Global Scale: A Multicountry StudyA Tobías, M Hashizume, Y Honda, F Sera, CF Sheng Ng, Y Kim, D Houthuijs, C Ameling, et al.27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Longitudinal Associations of Substance Use Risk Profiles with the Use of Alternative Tobacco Products and Conventional Smoking among AdolescentsM Hiemstra, A Rozema, M Jansen, H van Oers, J Mathijssen27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Social jetlag and related risks for human health: A timely reviewR Caliandro, AA Streng, LWM van Kerkhof, GTJ van der Horst, I Chaves27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Evaluation of nutri-score in relation to dietary guidelines and food reformulation in the NetherlandsTer Borg, E Steenbergen, IEJ Milder, EHM Temme27-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Identified micro-organisms in hospitalized community-acquired pneumonia patients living near goat and poultry farms.I Roof, AB van Gageldonk-Lafeber, TP Zomer, YM Vermeeren, PC Wever, W van der Hoek24-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel
Co-benefits from sustainable dietary shifts for population and environmental health: an assessment from a large European cohort studyJE Laine, I Huybrechts, MJ Gunter, P Ferrari, E Weiderpass, K Tsilidis, EHM Temme, JMA Boer, et al.24-12-2021Tijdschriftartikel