Mumps epidemic in orthodox religious low-vaccination communities in the Netherlands and Canada, 2007 to 2009C Wielders, R van Binnendijk, B Snijders, G Tipples, J Cremer, E Fanoy, S Dolman, W Ruijs, H Boot, H de Melker, S Hahne25/10/2011Tijdschriftartikel
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) RNA and neutralising antibodies in milk collected according to local customs from dromedary camels, Qatar, April 2014CB Reusken, EA Farag, M Jonges, GJ Godeke, AM El-Sayed, SD Pas, VS Raj, KA Mohran, HA Moussa, H Ghobashy, MP Koopmans, et al.01/07/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Large outbreak of Salmonella Thompson related to smoked salmon in the Netherlands, August to December 2012I Friesema, A de Jong, A Hofhuis, M Heck, H van den Kerkhof, R de Jonge, D Hameryck, K Nagel, G van Vilsteren, P Beek, D Notermans, W van Pelt21/10/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infections in two returning travellers in the Netherlands, May 2014M Kraaij-Dirkzwager, A Timen, K Dirksen, L Gelinck, E Leyten, P Groeneveld, C Jansen, M Jonges, S Raj, I Thurkow, R van Gageldonk-Lafeber, A van der Eijk, M Koopmans02/06/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Prevalence of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus amongst professional meat handler in the Netherlands, March-July 2008R de Jonge, JE Verdier, AH Havelaar19/01/2011Tijdschriftartikel
A combination of interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 production by Coxiella burnetii-stimulated circulating cells discriminates between chronic Q fever and past Q feverT Schoffelen, T Sprong, CP Bleeker-Rovers, MCA Wegdam-Blans, A Ammerdorffer, MJH Pronk, YEP Soethoudt, MEE van Kasteren, T Herremans, HA Bijlmer, MG Netea, JWM van der Meer, LAB Joosten, M van Deuren18/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A framework for deciding on the inclusion of emerging impacts in life cycle impact assessmentS Cucurachi, R Heijungs, WJGM Peijnenburg, JFB Bolte, GR de Snoo07/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A mass-balance study on chloride fluxes in a large central European catchment during 1900-2010J Kopacek, J Hejzlar, P Porcal, M Posch18/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A methamphetamine analog (N,alpha-diethyl-phenylethylamine) identified in a mainstream dietary supplementPA Cohen, JC Travis, BJ Venhuis06/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A posteriori dietary patterns: How many patterns to retain?HP Fransen, AM May, MD Stricker, JMA Boer, C Hennig, Y Rosseel, MC Ocke, PHM Peeters, JWJ Beulens06/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel