Ensemble dispersion forecasting - part II: application and evaluationS Galmarini, R bianconi, R Addis, S Andronopoulos, P Astrup, JC Bartzis, R Bellasio, H Eleveld, H Slaper, et al.11/10/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Ensemble dispersion forecasting - part I: concept, approach and indicatorsS Galmarini, R bianconi, W Klug, T Mikkelsen, R Addis, S Andronopoulos, P Astrup, A Baklanov, J Bartniki, JC Bartzis, H Eleveld, GT Geertsema, H Slaper, et al.11/10/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Burden of caregiving: evidence of objective burden, subjective burden, and quality of life impacts on informal caregivers of patients with rheumatoid arthritisWB Brouwer, NJ van Exel, B van de Berg, HJ Dinant, MA Koopmanschap, GA van den Bos08/10/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Body size and breast cancer risk: findings from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer And Nutrition (EPIC)PH Lahmann, K Hoffmann, N Allen, CH van Gils, G Nagel, PH Peeters, HB Bueno de Mesquita, R Kaaks, et al.08/10/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Use of multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis for typing Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisP Overduin, L Schouls, P Roholl, A van der Zanden, N Mahmmod, A Herrewegh, D van Soolingen22/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Two-mutation models for bone cancer due to radium, strontium and plutoniumH Bijwaard, MJ Burgmans, HP Leenhouts25/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Toxoplasma gondii infection in animal-friendly pig production systemsA Kijlstra, OA Eissen, J Cornelissen, K Munniksma, I Eijck, T Kortbeek25/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Time trends (1993-1997) and seasonal variation in body mass index and waist circumference in the NetherlandsTLS Visscher, JC Seidell18/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
The role of a baseline casual blood pressure measurement and of blood pressure changes in middle age in prediction of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality occurring late in life: a cross-cultural comparison among the European cohorts of the Seven CountrA Menotti, M Lanti, A Kafatos, A Nissinen, A Dontas, S Nedeljkovic, D Kromhout08/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel
The Dutch National Atlas of Public HealthSL Zwakhals, H Giesbers, E Mac Gillavry, PF van Boven, AA van der Veen25/11/2004Tijdschriftartikel