Physical inactivity, depression, and risk of cardiovascular mortalityMH Kamphuis, MI Geerlings, MAR Tijhuis, S Giampaoli, A Nissinen, DE Grobbee, D Kromhout19/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Modeling accidents for prioritizing preventionHR Hale, BJM Ale, LHJ Goossens, T Meijer, LJ Bellamy, ML Mud, A Roelen, H Baksteen, J Post, IA Papazoglou, A Bloemhoff, JIH Oh19/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Including spatial variability in Monte Carlo simulations of pesticide leachingB Leterme, M Vanclooster, T van der Linden, A Tiktak, MDA Rounsevell30/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Global (Q)SARs for skin sensitization - assessment against OECD principlesDW Roberts, AO Aptula, MTD Cronin, E Hulzebos, G Patlewicz20/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Exploring the impact on cost and electricity production of high penetration levels of intermittent electricity in OECD Europe and the USA, results for wind energyM Hoogwijk, D van Vuuren, B de Vries, W Turkenburg19/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Effects of changes in CO2, climate, and land use on the carbon balance of the land biosphere durign the 21st centuryC Mueller, B Eickhout, S Zaehle, A Bondeau, W Cramer, W Lucht20/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Determination of molar absorptivity coefficients for major type-B trichothecenes and certification of calibrators for deoxynivalenol and nivalenolR Krska, P Schubert-Ullrich, RD Josephs, H Emteborg, G Buttinger, H Pettersson, HP van Egmond, RC Schothorst, S MacDonald, D Chan20/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Climate simulation of the twenty-first century with interactive land-use changesA Voldoire, B Eickhout, M Schaeffer, JF Royer, F Chauvin19/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Climate change and the EU water framework directive: how to deal with indirect effects of changes in hydrology on water quality and ecology?GNJ ter Heerdt, SA Schep, JH Janse, M Ouboter19/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Biodiversity and socioeconomic impacts of selected agro-commodity production systemsJJ Kessler, T Rood, T Tekelenburg, M Bakkenes20/11/2007Tijdschriftartikel