Infectious gastro-enteritis: an uncommon cause of diarrhoea in adult allogeneic and autologous stem cell transplant recipientsMGJ van Kraaij, AW Dekker, LF Verdonck, AM van Loon, J Vinje, MPG Koopmans, M Rozenberg-Arska21/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Increasing resistance to fluoroquinolones in Escherichia coli from urinary tract infections in The NetherlandsW Goettsch, W van Pelt, N Nagelkerke, MGR Hendrikx, AGM Buiting, PL Petit, LJM Sabbe, AJA van Griethuysen, AJ de Neeling21/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
High-performance liquid chromatography coupled to enzyme-amplified biochemical detection for the analysis of hemoglobin after pre-column biotinylationMR van Bommel, APJM de Jong, UR Tjaden, H Irth, J van der Greef25/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Genetic variability of measles viruses circulating in the BeneluxF Hanses, R van Binnendijk, W Ammerlaan, AT Truong, L de Rond, F Schneider, CP Muller25/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
European sero-epidemiology network: standardisation of the results of diphtheria antitoxin assaysC von Hunolstein, H Aggerbeck, N Andrews, G Berbers, F Fievet-Groyne, PAC Maple, RM Olander, M Raux, A Tischer21/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Estimating treatment effects in randomized clinical trials in the presence of non-complianceN Nagelkerke, V Fidler, R Bernsen, M Borgdorff21/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Environmental risk limits for two phthalates, with special emphasis on endocrine disruptive propertiesAP van Wezel, P van Vlaardingen, R Posthumus, GH Crommentuijn, DTHM Sijm25/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Educational level, relative body weight, and changes in their association over 10 years: an international perspective from the WHO MONICA ProjectA Molarius, JC Seidell, S Sans, J Tuomilehto, K Kuulasmaa21/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Differential protein expression in phenotypic variants of Streptococcus pneumoniaeK Overweg, CD Pericone, GGC Verhoef, JN Weiser, HD Meiring, APJM de Jong, R de Groot, PWM Hermans21/09/2000Tijdschriftartikel